Practise Photos for a school magazine front cover

For this task i took a few diffrent pictures to just exepriment with the shot type and the angles i could take my final picture so then i know that it will look good and be able to represent my ideas from the picture. Therepresentation i was trying to create was the fact that Sheldon Scholl is a friendly and helpful school and no one would regret going to sheldon school. Here are the practice photos i done in prepartion for the school magazine task:SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES ???????????????????????


Car Magazine

Car Magazine

For this task we had make a magazine with all the conventions of a magazine so things like; Callouts, Puffs, Foregroung image and a masthead. This magazine is ment to be aimed at children to buy.

I aimed this magazine at children through the use of the callouts, pictures and a competition. This is specially aimed at children of a younger age through the competition of ‘McDonalds offer the ultimate driving meal’ This is to get the younger people in by having McDonalds feature on the front cover, they are world wide known brand of food but the children love it this is why I choose to put this on there.

Another way I aimed it at my target audience by using the column inch and saying that the children could win a trip to boomerang for free. This will get the children to buy it as they may ask their parents to go but they may say no because of the money, well this way it cancels out what they say anymore.