
Contents Page Analysis

This task was only a short task to do but it got us able to look at different types of contents pages and look at what some did well and what they did wrong, we were able to gain good ideas for our Music Magazine Contents page. I feel that looking at the layout and the way the picture and colour cohesion can sometimes matched did help me in making my mind up to what I want to for my Music Magazine contents page.

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Why font is important to a magazine

No matter how well designed things are planned and laid out on the page, if the font is terrible, people will not want to read the front cover of your magazine. A bad font can make something look cheap and slapped on, causing the viewer to become distracted by the look of it. The font sets the tone, flavor, image and style of the writing. It also helps direct the audiences/consumer’s eyes towards the flow of the copy of the magazine. Fonts are important elements in layout and the whole design. It stresses the character of the main subject. A black font with thickness in look implies strong and power. While other fonts can be interpreted in various ways as well. If a font selected doesn’t fit in with the genre that is selected in terms of a music magazine then it could confuse the consumer and the audience as it will be implying different things. Choosing the right font is important because it’s one of the main things that the audience will look at. One thing that people forget about when talking about fonts is the actual size of the font. If the font is a large size then it will normally be used as a heading and the smaller but still quite big fonts are usually seen as sub-headings on a magazine, if the size of the font were to get rearranged and changed the sub-heading was bigger than the actual heading then it may cause the reader/audience to become a bit confused as they wouldn’t know out right which one is meant for the heading. In my magazine project I have adapted this and my front cover heading is in 54 size font whilst my sub-headings are in about 18 – 24 size font. This is so that the audience or reader knows what the heading of the magazine is and what the sub-headings are. I tried to go for a more ‘out there’ font rather than a standard font so it would make it more appealing to the audience. The font that I used was also used because I felt that it had the right connotations for the rock genre.