
Conventions of Rock Magazines – My chosen genre

This task was so that I knew what types of conventions are used in a rock magazine to attract customers, such things include; the masthead, call-outs, foreground image and the colour cohesion of the front cover and contents page.

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Rough sketches for my contents page

This is a task that I feel will benefit me because then I can see what layout I like best on paper.


Rough Sketches for Music Magazine Front cover

This task was done so we could get a final idea of the conventions that we plan to put on to our front cover. I will be able to then have a visual draft of what the front cover may look like, so then I know which layout, size of font, image composition I should have and things like. It will also help me when making my front cover as I then have an idea to go off.

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Follow up Survey and Results

This is a follow up survey from my other one which was more generic, whereas this one is more specific and helps me in decision making for the forms of layout to do in my magazine project which will benefit the sales of the product and make it appeal to the target audience. Who for me, is mainly males in their late teens, early twenties. Click on the Follow up survey next to this to take a look at my survey Follow up Survey

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I did a follow up survey from my original survey to get more specific details and answers from specific area questions.
Which font do you prefer? Was a question I asked so that I knew which title font my target audience would like to see when I had finished doing my construction of my magazine. If I knew what font they preferred then I would be able to meet the majority needs.
The next was about the contents page layout, this was so that I know what the majority of my target audience liked the most. The contents page chosen from the majority was a neat and clear contents page with everything having space rather than everything overflowing. This is going to help me when I do my contents page as then I have an idea of where to start in the planning of it.
The same goes for the question about my front cover. I will need to know what type of front cover the majority of my target audience will want, whether they want an overflowing one or a nice and calm neat one with the same as the contents page, everything having its own space.
What colour cohesion do you like the best was an essential question that I need to ask because I was getting stuck on which one to use so I let my target audience decide for me and then I would know that the colours would attract the audience to purchase my magazine.
The English bands question was asked so that I could which was the favourite bands were and who to talk about in some detail. The magazine is about up and coming bands but the bands still need inspiration and using former bands that have made it far in the world of music will be good.
An editor’s note I was confused on as Kerrang! Has on but I didn’t know whether many readers read it or not, so I asked the people and the majority said no to the idea so I won’t bother then with an editor’s note.


Survey of my music magazine

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This was all about gaining research or the making of our Music magazine product. We would get the thoughts and personal opinions from the people we plan on putting a magazine to – our target audience.

Music magazine survey  

As you can see form my Powerpoint and my survey layout, I have gone for much generalised bunch of questions so that I get an overall view of what people like and enjoy about a magazine.
The first question I asked was about gender, this just so that I could get an understanding of which my magazine should be mostly directed at in terms of gender, that’s why from my results I found that I would be working towards a male audience. The reason why I have then used a male artist at the front and very male dominant bands in my magazine is because I am trying to attract the magazine to them for more purchasing.
The same reasoning for my next question is the same; I was trying to get an idea of what type of age range that I would be trying to make my magazine appeal to more. From my results you can see that I will be attracting a male audience in the age range of 16 – 21 years old.
The following question about the bands that they prefer the bands that the people picked most were the Artic Monkeys and Imagine Dragons. This is to get an idea of who to get on the front cover that will look like them and have the same type of features as them so that my magazine appeals most to the target audience that I can see panning out.
How do you usually listen to music? This was to help me decide whether or not I should include any vouchers or discount things in my magazine to make it more appealing on downloading music, as the results were radio, MP3 Players and a Mobile phone, it shows that the people that I am aiming my magazine towards would be grateful if I gave them a discount voucher in the magazine, it could also be a selling point in my magazine.
The reason why I asked in my survey what they look for in purchasing a music magazine was to get an idea of the main points in the construction of the magazine to make it as appealing as possible towards my target audience. The main theme was ‘Layout’. The layout was the thing that stood out to the people taking the survey so I will need to make sure that the layout is in a good and neat way so that the magazine doesn’t fall from a rubbish layout.
It is nearly the same reasoning for why I choose the other question. The reason why I asked what puts off a customer from buying a magazine is so that I know how to make the magazine as appealing as possible to my target audience to generate sales.
What article type do you prefer? Was a main question for me because the audience have their favourite things that they like to read. As my main objective is to make this magazine appeal to my target audience as much as possible then I will need to know what type of article they most like to enjoy. As the top 2 answers were reviews and interviews, I will make sure that the article types are included in my magazine and make sure the articles are advertised on the front cover so that it attracts people who enjoy those article types to read.
I asked the question if I ran a competition in the magazine would they enter, and the results to me suggested that yes would be the answer. So I will try and make sure that I run a magazine competition so that the target audience are fully satisfied with the magazine.
I asked the people if there was anything that they would put in a magazine that no other one does to help me get to the bottom of my USP for my magazine. This gave me an indication of more mainstream artist should be included as well as instruction son how to play a song on a musical instrument.